What Is a Unifying Principle? A Way to Unite Civilization & Create a New & Better Future for Humanity
- What is a unifying principle?
- What is a way to unite civilization and create a new and better future for humanity?
I will answer these questions now.
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A new unifying principle is needed to pull the human race off its current negative track. Internal Science and International Philosophy are the perfect candidates. This is because they are an accurate paradigm that would replace the inaccurate science paradigm and modern psychology paradigm responsible for world problems. They could unify the world. There is no real major factor preventing them from becoming unifying principles except for rather minor initial public support.
Acceptance would be automatic and rapid except for the fact that algorithms go by established popularity and even AI goes by the paradigm that is accepted in the world. (That paradigm is physicalism, and it is inaccurate.) Even funding and donations tend to go to established foundations that are most heavily scripted in physicalism.
If we could somehow make a strong case for Internal Science and International Philosophy on a wider scale by reaching more people, we could shift the world out of its current problems. Our film script could work to turn the tables, but not until we get a producer and funding.
Any help you can provide, such as mentioning our sites to people you know, on chat rooms and to social influencers, could potentially help us turn the corner. A little bit of traction may be all it takes.
What is already accepted in the world is heavily defended, so that even valid alternatives have a hard time gaining acceptance. Ideas that are exceptional are often attacked (as we have been by government agencies. Click on The Altruistic Movement to learn more). These are not insurmountable barriers but are social realities that can be offset by the acceptance of ordinary people. When an idea gets no acceptance at all, the person promoting that idea cannot get any funds to bring it to the next level and so progress comes to a halt.
Ideas that are new and exceptional can therefore benefit the most from even minor help from ordinary people. All it may take is one or two people, for example, to give us the boost we need. A few books sales can help significantly, and a positive review or a film producer could make a huge difference.
Even one person can send out emails for us, and this person may then receive expected and unexpected benefits. As long as that does not happen, it is ordinary, individual people that are holding the human race back.
People tend to take what they can get from this website, for example, but then don’t donate by buying a book or helping us get our message out. They may not have the resources or they may not justify it in their mind. The government does worse, and so nothing significant happens. The world remains stuck as long as people do not move in the right direction.
I try to make up for the lack of initiative, contributions and closed mindedness, and I am able to do that in certain areas. I bring you 500 free articles, 30 books, and a film script that could potentially be a unifying principle for humanity, but I can’t do it all alone. There has to be other people willing to help.
We are limited in the traffic we can produce because established educators who promote physicalism get higher ranking on search engines. I am able to make up for the higher bars in most areas because of my positive beliefs and actions, but again, there must be other people that are willing to help or it’s not going to do enough to solve world problems and become a new unifying principle for civilization. So, please, if you don’t mind, see what you may be able to do to help us launch this potential unifying principle for civilization.
You can download our images to your site, social media or other platform if you keep the link in the image so that it directs traffic to the article the image depicts. The images will attract attention and boost your site traffic. Read more about what you can do on our copyright page.
Will it be this:
Or will it be this:
What is a personal unifying principle?
A unifying principle organizes something that was previously unorganized.
If your psyche is disorganized, a strong new interest can organize the content of your mind. A new hobby, interest, or falling in love, for example, can serve as a unifying principle.
Anything that brings a newfound order to a person’s mind and organizes their beliefs and thinking is a unifying principle. But what we are looking for here is a unifying principle for the entire civilization.
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Unification by focusing on regions
We can bring people together region by region. We can start with the rudiments of our plan in one geographical region. If that works, we can replicate it and start another community. The idea is to bring the people who hold the new unifying principle concepts together into one area. Doing so will focus energy, and focused energy is more powerful than dispersed energy.
A unifying principle for civilization can begin with one person as an idea that has the potential to unify. It can then be shared with others. From there it can unify small groups such as families or small communities. These people can then use this focused energy to create more such communities by spreading the concepts that have the potential to unify the world.
Eventually larger political regions will demonstrate superiority, and others will quickly want to join.