William Eastwood: Autobiography & 50 Year Study


William Eastwood: Autobiography & 50 Year Study

  • William Eastwood autobiography.
  • William Eastwood’s 50-year study.

A person who does not accept things out of hand just because it is taught in a school

EASTWOOD: There is no other way to approach life but by these methods because physicalism is a myth and conventional methods of achieving goals are based on it. I am not gullible or naive—I don’t just go along with what other people believe. Just because something is taught by an “expert” doesn’t automatically mean it is correct. I don’t just accept anything out of hand, which is why I’ve been led to the inevitable facts in the first place. Early in my life I saw the mistakes that scientists were making. From there I studied the truth. For over 50 years, I have narrowed down the theories and information I have received to only the bare facts that work. I reveal only precise and accurate methods to achieve goals so that you can swiftly bring your ambitions and passions to pass and so that we can solve world problems and go to the next level.

The unhappiness and division in America is due to Americans thinking they know it all. They have not found answers, happiness or peace because of their beliefs. The world’s problems are a result of using the wrong scientific paradigm to try to solve those problems. The same holds true around the world.


Frustrated and stifled by inaccurate education, Eastwood went off on his own to create an Internal Science and International philosophy that could solve world problems and help every person on earth. His account of what happened shortly thereafter, as given in his autobiography, is for the history scholars to sort out.


At age 12, William Eastwood said, “I can change the world,” and he picked up a pencil. Less than a year later, William’s school counselor called Yale University. A Yale professor responded by inviting him to work in a private research and development facility. But then something unexpected happened.

What Eastwood discovered on his own was so astounding, he knew he had to go against scientific convention. He proceeded to incorporate Earth Network to deliver his research and an important message to humanity.

Earth Network (of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals) got the attention of some of the most powerful people in the United States (who were not scientists). However, it was not in a good way. Instead of advancing his research, they set him back 25 years in a way that should never have happened. The world has been denied his work, because, in effect, it was too positive for these particular authoritarian characters whose beliefs were deeply rooted in physicalism.

“My film will reveal what is long overdue and it will contain a powerful message many people will not want to hear, but the majority will because this is an incredibly positive development that is going to happen.” —William Eastwood.

Eastwood’s paradigm is nearly the opposite of what is currently accepted in the mainstream. But because many of his findings have been validated by quantum mechanics, and for other reasons, the results of 50 years of amazing research are now being released. This is happening in stages which began in 2018 and will continue until the film comes out.


Environmental activism is rewarded

William Eastwood age 7 photo
W. E. age 7

EASTWOOD: Sometimes environmental activism is rewarded. When I was a seven-year-old boy, I found treasure while cleaning a road.

I remembered when I was about age seven, exploring the countryside behind our house in the beautiful shoreline town of Madison, Connecticut. I found a bright orange Tiger Lily as tall as I, and I told my friend I would show him. After school we headed out in the woods, which was what kids did back then. We didn’t have cell phones and our parents didn’t worry about us.

I was a little leader and told my friend Ross that I had a good idea. “We could clean up the side of the road! 

So, we each collected a few cans and papers, and I led him to a depression where I decided to drop the trash and stomp it into a hole in the ground. As I did, I pointed to a rock in an old stone wall that ran parallel to the street.  

There had been an old shoe box behind the rock I told him to pull out of the wall. It was full of large old Canadian coins. When I turned around, he was spreading coins out on the wall.

I told my friend “If you do good things, good things will happen to you,” and within minutes something really good happened to me. Again, I was an environmental activist at age seven and this was a message to me to keep it up, and so I did. I had a degree in solar technology before I was eighteen years old.




You manifest your own energy

Tiger Lily.

You project your own psychological energy out to form the physical world. If you want to change your world you must change what you project.

Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. When you look at the events and objects in your life you are looking at your own inner subjective reality as it appears in matter.

When you react to facts, you are reacting to facts you are creating and projecting.

Your life is a learning experience you chose in order to learn how to project energy. When you see your thoughts materialized, and have to live within the manifestations of those thoughts, you are getting feedback.  This is your fleshed out “report card.”

Your life situation gives you clarity as to what you are projecting psychologically. The world around you is meant to bring your attention back to what you are thinking. If you do not like what you see you must change what you project.




Six years later

EASTWOOD: At age 13, I applied the principle that thoughts create matter using visualization. I imagined myself a great architect and solar inventor reducing America’s fossil fuel dependence and in the limelight.

“Within months my solar homes were being built in my hometown. At 13 years old a Yale Professor called my mother to ask me to work on his solar invention.

W Eastwood from public record.

Within three years I was on the entire front page of our local newspaper as The Kid with the Sun in His Eyes.’

By age 18 I had a contract with the American Supply Company. At the Capitol of the constitution state the eyes of the world were on me as I unveiled a full-scale model of my modular solar system at the annual energy exposition in Hartford Connecticut.

“I was so successful applying the principle “that thoughts create” that I set my goals higher. I had something more important to do.


You are beautiful.

I believe my inner self knew the coins were there and directed me to them to make a point. My spirit knew I was going to do a good deed and it used the opportunity. It was able to reward me and send me a positive message that would help me to achieve my mission later in life.

The idea was to prove “that if you do good things with your life good things will happen to you.”

Because I was aligned with the principles of the universe, the powers-that-be were able to send me a treasure with a message behind it.

From this point on I knew I had a mission in life to help people and if I followed that path I would be protected, and that no matter what happened or how bad things got, in the end good things would happen. I did not know at the time that I would need that message to make it to where I am now.

Photo by: Ramdan Authentic.

At age seven I knew that my thoughts created my reality. My family taught me the principles at an early age, and I was amazed at the potential this knowledge had for the human race. I knew right away that this was my path, and I would not diverge.

At age twelve I committed to teaching the principles even though I had no idea how I would do it. I began to study and apply what I was learning, testing it all to see if it would work in my own life.

I was just an ordinary middle-class kid, and I never knew anyone of social standing. In that respect, my family never gave me anything other than love and support and helped me when I needed help.

Lifetime story: continue reading.



What is a unifying principle
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.



The 50 Year Study




Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein transcended the scientific intellect to acquire E=MC² and to become the definition of genius in the eyes of the world. The knowledge he tapped is in you. This is International Philosophy and Internal Science.

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

“I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.

“The man of science is a poor philosopher.

“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking

“I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

― Albert Einstein.


Read more…





Four months after U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, I was born near his birthplace in Brookline Massachusetts. Our home, a 1735 tavern President Washington visited, held the first Chesterfield town meeting under the old Elm tree in our front yard. My early life in that pristine setting was ideal.

Shortly after my family and I moved from Chesterfield Massachusetts to Connecticut, I adopted the Internal Science paradigm. I was only twelve when my studies began. My observations and findings are now in my many recent publications.

What is the difference between Internal Science and External Science.


The study begins

If Chesterfield was beautiful, so was Connecticut with its stone wall-lined roads with its evenly spaced majestic sugar maple trees that turned bright yellow and orange in the autumn.

From my birth in Massachusetts, it would be twelve years before I would begin my study at age twelve, but not in the usual way a study is conducted, as, for example, a professor looking in from the outside. I adopted and internalized” the hypothesis I set out to test as a part of my beliefs and psychology. For that reason, understanding the context of the study — my early life — may be helpful, and I plan on offering another page of autobiographical content. I have already published a short segment of my early life on this site and have an autobiography revealing what is not published on this site.

I would live the premise I was studying in order to gauge its effectiveness and to ascertain its pros and cons while observing, taking notes and evaluating every belief and outcome or lack of outcome associated with it.

I did not live according to accepted worldviews. This is what gives the material value. I could have decided to continue within the established academic community. There would have been nothing wrong with doing that. However, if I took that direction, the 45-year study I conducted would have been impossible.

The basic idea of the study was to test the effectiveness of a qualitatively different set of beliefs about reality. If I immersed myself in conventional education, I would be highly influenced by conventional beliefs. I already was influenced, as every child is. My study was valuable precisely because I was able to minimize those influences to such a great degree.

When I was twelve, one of the first things I noticed was the influence of society’s official belief systems on my psyche and life. The values of the culture to which I belonged had a numbing and depressing effect on me. Those beliefs held ideas at their core that denied the fundamental goodness of the spirit and its manifestation.

I quickly found out how charged those beliefs were. They boiled down to values that were basically enforced, although in my country we had the constitutional right to think differently. I found out later that those constitutional protections are not perfect, and they can fail, which they did in my case.

Religion told us the body was sinful, and Darwinism and widely accepted materialism held that we were the products of a self-serving mechanical evolution.  I never, for a moment believed that nonsense. Most children don’t, but gradually adopt those values, and they are weakened over time as a result. I was not one of those children.

The basis of materialism is the idea that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and reality. All things, including mental states and consciousness, are seen as being a result of material interactions.

As a youth I understood that was false. That was always very obvious to me. Consciousness is fundamental. The inner non-physical information-state creates the body and all material objects and events.

I didn’t learn until much later in my life that Einstein’s colleague, David Bohm, suggested a similar view in scientific terms.

Because I believed differently than others — academics in particular — I recognized that a unique opportunity existed in my life to test the idea that human nature was good and we create our reality. I made the commitment to do that at age 12, and began keeping journals and taking extensive notes.

I would test each belief I held. I would be the test subject — the guinea pig, so to speak. I would willfully adopt a particular belief I wanted to test. This would be done by repeating affirmations stating that the belief was a reality. Once I felt that I believed something fully, I would then study the effect of the belief.

I would study the belief of our culture this way. Beliefs about all subjects and human motivation in particular.

I would then take extensive notes on my thoughts, dreams and the kind of events I experienced related to those beliefs being tested. I tested culturally accepted beliefs by holding them and I tested what was not accepted by our culture. Usually, the beliefs I challenge were directly contrary to mainstream thinking. Mainstream beliefs said that we were the pinnacles of evolution, but an evolution of savage animals competing for survival. And in religion we were sinful.

My method of adopting the positive beliefs I wanted to test was a startlingly effective method that generated astounding results. Positive feeling states, for example, arose out of the core values I internalized in my experiments, and toxic negative emotions arose whenever those ideas clashed with conventional ideas about life and human nature that I was challenging within the context of the life-long experiment.

I would also notice manifestations. Positive ideas about human nature created positive events, and conventional negative or false ideas led to disturbing events that were unhealthy.

Core beliefs are a set of deeply held values. Since I was challenging some emotionally-held values of the culture, I had to keep my journals private for fear they would end up in the wrong hands to be misunderstood, which is eventually what happened anyway. Much of what I wrote, only I could understand. It was coded and based on the assumptions of simultaneous time and probabilities. I believed that the “imaginative” or inner realities were real and the outer or physical events I was evaluating as being less real in that they were or products of the core inner reality. This is in-line with the metaphysical paradigm. Physical events are effects.

By choosing not to immerse myself in conventional education and ideas, I did manage to hold a relatively consistent belief in the metaphysical paradigm in its entirety and was able to test it.

What was most noticeable was that evidence was always generated to support whatever belief was being tested by being affirmed and internalized. People and events would occur and segments of TV programs or other media that supported the premise being adopted in belief, thoughts and feeling would always arise in response to the belief tested.

If I believed a particular line of thinking or thing was good, then people would tend to confirm it. If I was to think, “this is not good,” then people and evidence would arise to support that assumption. In short, whatever I believed, it became my reality.

This was telling me that a particular theory would attract the evidence to support it. If, for example, I believed that human nature was good, then evidence to support that premise would materialize in my physical experience. However, if I believed something was not good, evidence of that would also materialize. This indicated to me that our beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecy. If we believed human nature is bad, then we manifest events that strongly suggest we are bad. This is what our culture has been doing for thousands of years, manifesting evidence of our basic badness.

I learned that the ideas of our civilization are deeply embedded in our psyche. The experiences of the past associated with the enforcement of those ideas are etched in cellular memory. It would be a long journey out of those false beliefs held by culture that were destructive.


My journals

My early work and journals were confiscated by certain agents in the government due to the nature of the content being tested and the experiment itself. The government does not deny that has happened. They have a record of having taken my journals and two laptop computers with the studies and all my property, but they don’t have the journals, the laptops or even the Earth Network C-type corporation stock that they took. Nor could I get anything returned to me despite my many efforts (in the legal record) to do so. However, much does survive and I have the knowledge gained safe inside of me, which continues to be published.

The full story of what happened is mostly in my autobiography. It contains all the necessary facts.

The study was to gauge the accuracy and viability of Internal Science as an entire paradigm of reality. The difficulty of controlled experiments was achieved until the confiscation. At that point, I decided to test the principles of the study in a unique way. The vehicle of study used when conducting Internal Science studies—consciousness itself—progressed in ways that could not be measured by conventional control methods, regardless.

Given my limitations, I decided to test a new objective. I wanted to ascertain if the principles of Internal Science could overcome the resistance from government agents who misunderstood me and my work. I did prevail or you would not be reading this.

That difficult test of my early science and philosophy forged my personality into steel, and it also refined and proved the science and philosophy was accurate and powerfully effective. My conclusion is that nothing in this universe can stop your thoughts from manifesting.

To present the complete picture of the government intervention and how it fit into the bigger picture of what was going on in my life before, during and after the government forcefully took possession of my research journals, I am including two things directly below. My autobiography (a book) and “The Holographic Universe…” (another book I wrote containing information on the nature of the paradigm I was testing.

The paradigm and its principles have the potential to solve world problems and help people achieve their goals.


Recap of the basic experiment

I did not want to be judged on my understanding of official mainstream scientific theories when I already knew these were actually myths. So instead of continuing my formal education, I began the lifetime experiment. I would live by and test the metaphysical paradigm.

Only a person that believed what I did could do this, and since this knowledge was rare at the time, and someone believing it from birth on ever rarer, this is a truly unique study.


Results of the experiment

I would advance at warp speed through my early adulthood. It was all adventure and accomplishment. It was obvious that the metaphysical principles were working. I cannot cover everything that happened here, but you are welcome to read the book. Everyone likes a good mystery, and besides, I wanted to save the best part for my autobiography.

Events became increasingly unusual and profound in nature. I was living the best life I could imagine.

But then something profoundly disturbing happened.



“The unexamined life is not worth living.

“If you want to be wrong then follow the masses.”



A sage is a profoundly wise person who has survived many tests in life

Athenians wanted their great thinker Socrates to die for corrupting Athenian youth by teaching them to question the status quo. In the play, the Socrates school was burned to the ground, and according to the historic record, Socrates was sentenced to death.

Where Socrates has failed, the philosophy on this site has survived an onslaught every bit as brutal as what Socrates faced.

By demonstrating one’s ability to survive the most perilous onslaught of the most powerful agencies in any given society, a true sage proves nothing is greater than the merit and power of his truth.

The philosophy of William Eastwood on this site and in our books is proven.


“Know Thyself”

— Socrates


Socrates believed that “The unexamined life is not worth living,” because living a life where you live under the rules of others, in a continuous routine without examining what you actually want out of it is not worth living.


The perils of disseminating truth

Socrates was made to drink poison Hemlock for the charge of corrupting youth with novel ideas contrary to the state-supported Greek religion of 386 BCE.  This was how the Athenians in ancient Greece carried out a death sentence for a capital offense. Athenians wanted their great thinker Socrates to die for corrupting Athenian youth by teaching them to question the status quo.

In the play, the Socrates school was burned to the ground.

A sage is a profoundly wise person who has survived many tests in life and is driven by a desire for knowledge. The sage is the mystic and genius. A sage seeks truth even if that truth is uncomfortable to some. Such a one’s truth is proven though survival, hence the true sage.

By demonstrating one’s ability to survive the most perilous onslaught of the most powerful agencies in any given society a true sage proves nothing is greater than the merit and power of his truth.

Not even Socrates survived the onslaught of the people and state.



Twenty books and four websites are now published. They are powerful evidence that the philosophy and principles that I spent over four decades learning, work. I not only survived, but I am currently helping people around the world to realize their potential. I do this by sharing Concepts that make those people more effective in life. They are better able to materialized positive events that are beneficial to themselves and others.

My credentials are that I led my entire life testing a philosophy that was largely unknown in the world at the time, and I prevailed despite powerful opposition.

When in my twenties I discovered that quantum physics was developing theories similar to my own. I could relate to David Bohm and several other physicist. Some of David Bohm’s ideas are mentioned in my websites and books. There is a correlation between what is being discovered in physics and what I believed as a youth and still do believe.

Brief excerpt of study concludes

The full diverse content and results of my study is not something that can be reduced to a page of statistics or facts as in conventional studies. The findings are available to everyone in various locations and more will be posted in the future. You are welcome to read my books. If you are not of sufficient means yet, the four websites are free.

My books and articles convey most of what I have learned on my journey out of the illusion. The Altruistic, Autonomous Movement is part of that, and may best depict my intent in life.



Einstein and Books by William Eastwood
Albert Einstein.


“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”

― Albert Einstein




The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William

The Altruism Code

Negativity and degradation are out of control. The world is in a downward spiral. The Altruism Code stops it all now.T

he purpose of "The Altruism Code" is to transform people and regions from the bottom up until we have a new earth.

The Altruism Code is the first and necessary step any individual must take to become so positive that nothing negative can enter their life or touch them.

Civilization is in transition. Great sweeping changes are taking place. Negativity and degradation are out of control. The world is in a downward spiral. The Altruism Code stops it all now, first for you and then for everyone.


How does your mind form matter altruism code


The Earth Network mission by William Eastwood
An earth-network.org article.


A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


The Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood solve world problems
An earth-network.org website article.


Cult philosophy science religion violence
A MindFormsMatter.com article.






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William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.



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Holographic Universe book by Eastwood thoughts form matter create events




Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.





"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.










You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.





Mind forms matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



Manifesting power guide book to materialize money goals dreams better relationships love
2023 edition.



Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood



The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William



Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.







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Thoughts Create Matter got me smart

Mind over matter power articles
All articles are International Philosophy.



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William Eastwood: Autobiography & 50 Year Study

© Copyright 2024, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.



If You Do Good Things, Good Things Will Happen to You: A Lifetime Journey & Study

We do not generally think of official mainstream belief systems in the U.S. and our global civilization as being cult-like, yet they are to the extent that they take power away from the individual, creating dependence and weakness. Even worse, established institutions attempt to control you because of their fundamental low evaluation of human nature.

Read more (goes to the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement) ….




Categories: William Eastwood. 50 year study. Reference, How to create a miracle. If you do good things, good things will happen. A lifetime journey and study. Create the Best Future. You can enter a probability in which humanity’s problems are solved. The golden rule. Click on our site and books to learn more.

