Metaphysical & More: WordPress Website Design & SEO: Graphics & Writing That Will Sell Your Product or Book

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.



Metaphysical & More: WordPress Website Consulting & Writing



Website & writing services

Change your beliefs, Rainbow Bar

William Eastwood, Websites & Writing


$25 minimum purchase.

Payment on Services


I prefer that you use text messaging or send me an email to get started. Send a text message to the above phone number or email, and we can get started right away.

Initial text (or email) correspondence is free.

Questions & guidance rates

  • $5.00 per response.
  • $10.00 per 10 minutes of multiple responses.
  • 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, USA, EST responses only, unless pre-designated.

I prefer authors working on books or websites, or to consult you to show you how easy it is to accomplish whatever you want. There's only one way to find out if I can help you, reach out and ask. I accept jobs on an individual basis, and no  "adult only" content.


Website Design

An example of a web page feature image I designed.


Blogs That Will Sell & The Following Services

Book Design


Self-Publishing & Writing

Book covers

I can create a high-quality book cover for you or help you to design your own front and back cover.

Help with self-publishing

I can get your book printed on demand through a reputable company that produces high-quality glossy-cover books, with excellent free marketing services and global distribution.

I can help you to get your book self-published very inexpensively. I can guide you through the process or I can do it all for you as your special agent.

Discounted website help

I can set you up with a website and quality hosting.

I can design a website for you or help you learn how do it yourself.

I can create and write website content, blogs and marketing content, or I can help you do it yourself.

I can optimize the site for you so that you will get high traffic from Google and other search engines with highly targeted keywords.

Assistance policy

Depending on your budget, I figure out what is best for you. I can do everything for you, or I can help you as needed.

Using this approach, it is possible to get more for your money than you will anywhere else.

Email me to get started

Let Me Help You

Initial correspondences are free. 50% down & 50% upon completion.  Or pay me as you go.


William Eastwood
PO Box 2194
Bayfield, CO 81122

Print on Demand Publishing

Independent “Print on Demand” services have helped change the world of publishing. It is easy and inexpensive to publish your book once you know how. If you are interested I can guide you getting started.

I can get you set up and published at the lowest cost to you possible. You book will be made available to Amazon and all other major sellers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the science of increasing traffic on websites. I have achieved as many as all 18 top search results on Google for specific high-value keywords.

At times I had special Google snippets (free Google ads), complete with book illustrations for targeted keywords at the top of the first search results.

I can help guide you through the process of developing and optimizing your own website, or I can do everything myself.


Photo by: Artem Bali.



Metaphysical & More: WordPress Website Design & SEO: Graphics & Writing That Will Sell Your Product or Book



New paper published by Science Advances

“Science Advances” reports in November 2019, “The scientific method relies on facts…. In quantum mechanics the objectivity…”  continue reading

If you are not a scientist, this article in “The Conversation,” explains how each person creates their own facts.

CONCLUSION: Reality is subjective. However, the sciences are isolated in that other fields of science do not communicate well if at all with quantum physicists in order to come up with a consensus as to the true nature of reality. As a result, we live in a confused, disjointed world of myth that continues largely unchallenged. Other scientists in fields outside of physics and the world as a whole goes its merry way oblivious to the fact that they are organizing their thoughts and theories according to bygone science and myth. Other scientists, doctors, attorneys, psychologists, etc., base their work on classical physics and a toxic soup of materialism, Darwinistic and Freudian psychology, lineal time, cause and effect and other myths. The result is a confused world and civilization which has no consensus as to what reality really is. Who pays the price? We all suffer in our lives as a result.

See mind over matter mind power facts on our home page.

Buy book: consciousness creates matter. We create facts by what we believe, think and feel.

The scientific facts and proof that consciousness creates matter are right in front of us. Don’t rely on others, however, find out for yourself by applying and testing these concepts in your life.

It is better to be smart
Learn to direct mental energy to create what you want in life.

The first natural step to take is to learn how your create create physical reality. If you are more advanced in your studies and want to go to the next level of understanding reality, this site has very deep, yet accurate information on the multidimensional self inner self, soul & spirit.

When all is said and done, you will be able to  manifest or create what you want with your mind. Thoughts Form Matter also has a deep and long blog on the multidimensional self wish is geared to help people understand health issues. Click here for Thoughts form the body’s health, weight, appearance, wellbeing & beauty.

Get the facts from the best sites

Mind exercise will take off like the exercise craze did in the 1970's.

No one wants to believe it, but physicists have their hands on the door nob. There are signs that the rush through the door is already beginning. Get the scientific proof and facts of how consciousness creates matter, at the leading site, Thoughts Create Matter. The facts are right in front of us.

For advanced mind over matter mind power facts, proof & evidence, see our home page first.

Or, you may want to start your journey with an excellent beginner’s article on this site explaining how consciousness & thoughts form matter and mind forms reality.

The human being is not what anyone thinks.

Not psychologists, not doctors, not lawyers or anyone that is scripted in our civilization’s main myths. The multidimensional human soul is as different from the one-dimensional self as the round earth is different from the flat universe.

There is a movement away from the dark myths

Anyone who is a people person, kind and polite is aware of the facts.

For health and the altruistic movement by William Eastwood, visit thoughts form matter.

I am baffled by the official definitions of consciousness on the web

Is is mind-boggling how stuck the world of experts are in the one-dimensional thinking of mainstream academia. Thoughts form matter has a great article on this: The brain does not produce consciousness.

I have an answer and article for everyone

Keep reading until the message sinks in. Then when you forget the facts, read again! Thoughts affect matter & influence events.

Go to the new paradigm article to get your mind over matter facts.

For books go to thoughts create matter book page or mind forms matter book page.

If you have you ever thought, do my thoughts influence matter, reality, people and events?, click here.

Scientific proof that thoughts create matter is to be found at thoughts Create Matter.

William Eastwood’s thoughts form matter will set you free to be able to create whatever you want in life. The question, does consciousness form matter or reality is easy to answer after you read this fantastic blog post. Click here to find out if thoughts affect matter & influence events?

If you have you ever thought, do my thoughts influence matter, reality or people?, click here. I particularly like the following Thoughts Create Matter blog, how can my thoughts affect people and create matter?

How Your Thoughts Create Matter & Your Reality

I highly recommend because it has one of the best scientific explanations, quantum mechanics and is easy reading for just about anyone.

Recommended website: Thoughts Create Matter

Best page on mind over matter


The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

Click on image to go to mind over matter book page.


