When you travel through time…
be careful and expect the unexpected!

Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection to a Man-Made Planet in the Distant Future
- Multidimensional time travel.
- Astral projection.
The problems we are experiencing in the world today are due to fake news and misinformation. This doesn’t just apply to conspiracy theories. It also applies to mainstream beliefs.
A multidimensional time travel astral projection adventure
I wrote about this experience in my autobiography. It happened so long ago that I don’t remember everything that happened. But I do remember some of it.
I remember traveling very fast. I was shooting through space, a loud buzz and crackling noise in my ears. I came flying up to a metallic sphere the size of a planet. It was a dull, dark bronze metal. I was struck by the fantastic experience I was witnessing, and I knew it was a man-made planet. I was not afraid, but full of excitement and adventure. I wanted to know more. I wanted to go in.
I flew down to the lower left quadrant. I found an opening very quickly and without hesitation, flew in.
The hall was dark. There were rows of doors, and I reached for the first one on the left. But things didn’t go as planned.
As I took hold of a door knob a beam of light hit me, and I froze. I was paralyzed and I couldn’t move. I still wasn’t afraid, but I knew what was happening.
The laser light that hit my arm and hand made my body freeze because it was a security system. I somehow knew that I was safe but was being monitored and prevented from getting in. I still just wanted to get in and I was disappointed that I couldn’t.
I sensed something like an intelligent craft in the distance from which the laser was emitted. The laser was communicating with me. I was filled with excitement at knowing this was an intelligent laser. It was alive!
I wondered how this laser was associated with the beings that built or inhabited this incredible… planet! My guess was that these were beings of light. Then I realized more.
These were highly evolved consciousness. I had ventured in my journey so far into the future that I had found light beings who had moved beyond having physical bodies. They were so advanced that they didn’t need or want bodies, I thought.
I was as lucid as you are now as you read this. I was aware that I was astral traveling. I knew where I had come from because I already wanted to tell people about the experience.
I was so excited, like a little kid that had just discovered the most wonderful thing in the world. I was already forming words in my mind, “You won’t believe it, but I found a man-made planet, and an intelligent laser stopped me! The laser was consciousness!”
The laser itself was consciousness like you and I, but it was in a distant future.
I sensed that they knew who I was. I felt some compassion and reassurance through the entire experience, which was very short. I never felt threatened, but I knew that I couldn’t go in once the laser hit me and encapsulated my entire body. That message was firm.
I did, of course, tell my brothers, parents and anyone who would believe me what I had experienced.
I was somewhat used to this kind of thing because I had many such experiences. I was very adept at multidimensional time travel. I had been doing it for a long time (from my point of view).
My first astral projection happened when I was 12 or 13.
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“Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
“But it has to be the right science”
— William Eastwood
Published January 25th, 2025!
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